At the entrance to the church playground, there is a box that houses the Toccoa First United Methodist Church Little Free Library. The library was ordered, painted, and installed by members of the TFUMC Board of Trustees and is officially registered (Charter # 148129). It may be used by anyone in the community.
How does it work?
Take Books
Anyone may take a book—neighbors, friends, and passersby—the books are always free. However, because this is a community library, we ask that you limit the number of books that you borrow to one or two. This is a small library, so we want other readers to have access to books too!
In addition to books, you may find bookmarks, informational brochures, flyers, tracts, or other materials that are meant to be shared with the community. Take what you need.
Share Books
This library is built entirely on donations. Once you finish a book, feel free to donate it to this Little Free Library so that others may read it too. If you’re returning a book, drop it back off in the box. If you want to donate books, drop them off in the church office (the historic home next to the playground) so that the library stewards can monitor how many books are available and make sure the library is well-stocked for readers of all ages.
For more information about Little Free Libraries or to find other libraries in the area, visit