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There are many opportunities for people to use their musical talents for service at Toccoa First. We offer several different musical ensembles, including a contemporary praise band, chancel choir, children's choir and handbell choir. 

If you love singing or playing an instrument, there's a group for you at Toccoa First!

Praise Bands

Praise brands lead worship for The Alternative, the 8:30 contemporary worship service, on Sunday mornings. 


A new praise band is forming!  If you would like to join a praise band, please contact the church office so we can connect you with our praise band leaders. 

"I'll Fly Away"

By Albert E Brumley, Hartford Music Company

Chancel Choir

The Toccoa First Chancel Choir performs each Sunday morning at the 11 am traditional service, conducted by Director Ken White.  New voices are always welcome in the choir!  Contact Ken after the 11 am service or call the church office to speak to him (the telephone number is 706 886-9446).

Kingdom Men's Chorale
and Worship Ensemble

New to Toccoa First, the Kingdom Men's Chorale will debut in Fall 2024, conducted by Director Ken White.  New voices are always welcome in the choir!  Contact Ken after the 11 am service or call the church office to speak to him (the telephone number is 706 886-9446).

Canon of Grace

By Linda R. Lamb

Handbell Choir

The handbell choir, under direction of Ken White, periodically provides special music at our 11:00 traditional service as well as at special events, including Symphony Sundays, Christmas and Easter programs.  If you are interested in joining, call the church office to talk to Director White. 

Children's Choir

Our children's choir provides special music at both the contemporary and traditional services. The children are given the opportunity to sing (and sometimes play bells) for the congregation several times a year. All children are welcome to participate in the children's choir, which practices on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour (9:45 am) and Wednesday evenings during the JAM program (6 pm). 

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Toccoa First Methodist Church,  333 East Tugalo Street, Toccoa, GA 30577  |  Tel: (706) 886-9446

 Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs.: 9 am-4 pm (closed Noon-1 pm for lunch); Friday: 9 am-Noon

Worship: Sunday  8:30 am & 11:00 am

©2022 by TOCCOA FMC. 

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