Wednesday Night Schedule:
5:30 pm -Catered Dinner! (Held in Cheek Hall)
(Reservations required by noon Mon., call Church office (706) 886-9446 to reserve) Subject to change
6:00 pm - Handbell Choir* rehearsal in the Sanctuary on Wednesdays (thru Christmas)
6:15 pm - Kids Worship and Game Night, Stoked Youth, Adult Bible Study, Prayer Shawl Ministry
6:45 pm - Chancel Choir & Kingdom Men's Choir* rehearsal in the choir room
*We welcome new choir members! If you would like to sing, play the hand bells or join one of the praise bands, see Director Ken White at the Church Office, or after church for details on rehearsal times and locations!

Wednesday Night Catered Dinner*
Catered dinners are available in Cheek Hall on Wednesday nights. The cost is $8 per plate for an adult, and $5 per plate for a child. A maximum fee of $22 is available for families. If you would like to join us for dinner, please fill out the form on the right to reserve a meal*. This needs to be done by noon Monday to ensure we order enough food.
Upcoming menus include:
Pulled pork, baked beans, coleslaw
Rotisserie chicken, scalloped potatoes, butter peas
Meatloaf, crowder peas, creamed potatoes
Lasagna, green beans
Baked chicken, creamed corn, field peas
Pork loin, sweet potato souffle, English peas
Baked ham, squash casserole, green beans
Fried chicken, pinto beans, macaroni & cheese
Meals include salad, bread, tea and dessert
*Or, call the church office (706 886-9446) by noon Monday to reserve a seat(s) to dine the following Wednesday. Subject to change.​​

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Wednesdays at 6:15 pm in room 207
This group meets every week to knit and crochet items which find their way into our community. The group makes prayer shawls, lap blankets, baby caps, chemo caps, and prayer squares. The items are prayed over as they are made and then presented to the church to be distributed to the homeless, to nursing homes, to the sick, and to anyone else who may need one. All are welcome to join! No experience is necessary!